Saturday, October 19, 2013

No more violence against women

I finally finished researching violence against women! YEAH!! My guy friends, who stuck with me through the month-long project, were all just as excited as I was when I made my announcement.

"Does this mean that you're not a man hater anymore," one of them asked.

I'm not a man hater but as I wrote before, this new knowledge has changed me. Knowledge usually does change a person.

I still talk about the project a lot and if you follow me on Twitter you'd notice that I tweet many of the statistics I've found. But other than that, I'm happy to not be daily reading about such topics as bride burnings, female genital mutilation, sexual abuse, and other forms of violence against women.

I do feel strongly about the fact that women need to educate themselves about these issues. We need to be sisters for each other and not threats. Statistics show that in sexual harassment cases at work, female coworkers sometimes fuel the gossip fires. To me that is just as unacceptable as sexual harassment by a male coworker.

But anyway . . . in other news . . . I've been sick for the past two weeks. As soon as I finished the project I caught a cough that I can't seem to shake. I've had to cancel two trips because of being sick and am coming up on a third trip that I absolutely CANNOT cancel. So, I better shake this soon. Prayers are MUCH appreciated!

Love to you and yours! :)

Suzanne Ocsai


  1. Will pray for you! Your paragraph about women educating themselves reminded me of the scene from "Les Mis" where Anne Hathaway's character gets thrown out on the street after losing her job--sisters definitely did not have her back. True these days as well, unfortunately.

  2. Thank you, Andrea! I'm doing better but I'm still sick. :( that sounds like a powerful scene. I've never seen the movie but would like to. Yes, we do need to learn to stick up for each other!
