Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Life Is Busy

I thought my schedule was going to be really open since I'm only taking 6 credits. However, it has been anything but open and it's only about to get a whole lot more hectic!

There's school (part-time—but 3 of those hours are Spanish to it's like 6 credits in itself . . . to me at least!)

Work (on campus and freelance projects—including being a photographer)

Society of Adventist Communicators Conference coming up in October

Volunteer work with the NAD Youth Ministries Department (this has me traveling quite a bit doing promo work on the weekend and this is about to speed up as we near the Just Claim It prayer conference in Miami in February)

I'm also starting up my MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) training again

And having a minor surgery on Thursday morning to remove a growth on my gum (this will help my braces come off sooner than never . . . haha)

I think that's about it for now . . . I'm sure there might be something I'm forgetting . . . like personal projects . . . but oh well . . . this is my busy life. But I wouldn't have it any other way . . . I love it—even Spanish! jaja

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