Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mi Bien Día en Chicago (Composición #1)

This is my first Spanish Composition of the semester. Google Translate does a rough translation which makes some of the sentences sound funny. But if you can't read Spanish . . . I guess you could use it if you really want to know what I wrote about in my first paper. 

     Este año yo fui a Chicago con mis amigos Janelle y James. El día era perfecto porque yo estaba con gentes que yo quiero. Nos despertamos temprano en la mañana así nos podíamos tomar el tren. James y yo nunca tuvimos habíamos tomado la tren. Estábamos emocíonados! Primero nosotros comimos en Chipotle. Chipotle es el lugar favorito para comer de Janelle en todo el mundo! Me gusta Chipotle también. Después de que nosotros comimos, fuimos a explorar la ciudad de Chicago.
     En todos las ciudades que he vistitado, yo tomé fotos de hombres con barbas por el serie de “Men With Beards” en Instagram. En Chicago, yo tomé fotos de doce hombres con barbas. El momento mas divertido en el día fue cuando yo perseguí dos hombres en la calle para poder tomar fotos de ellos y sus barbas.
     Al final del día nosotros fuimos al zoológico en el parque de Lincoln. Pero los animales me pusieron triste. Al final del dia todo fue muy magnífico!


  1. Ok, so here is my translation WITHOUT the use of Google translate, only relying on high school Spanish class and a little bit of Rosetta Stone several years you can tell me how I did!
    "This year I went to Chicago with my friends Janelle and James. The day was perfect because I was with people that I wanted (to be with?). We left early in the morning in order to take the train. James and I had never been on the train before. We were so excited! First we ate at Chipotle. Chipotle is Janelle's most favorite place to eat in the whole world! I like Chipotle too. After we ate, we went to explore the city of Chicago. Everywhere that we went in the city, I took photos of men with beads for a series of "Men With Beards" in Instagram. In Chicago, I took photos of two men with beards. The most fun moment of the day was when I persuaded two men in the street (?) to take photos of them and their beards. At the end of the day we went to the zoo in the park of Lincoln. But the animals made me sad. At the end of the day all was very magnificent/awesome!"

  2. haha . . . yes, that's pretty much it! Great job. Just a few word differences but the main meaning is there. :)
